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Globe cautions postpaid customers vs fraudsters offering account removal via Facebook

Globe Telecom strongly cautions its mobile postpaid customers against fraudsters offering via Facebook removal of current Globe account and replacing such current accounts with new ones that may even include new phones. Based on the unauthorized offers we have monitored, customers supposedly no longer need to pay for their outstanding balances for a fee. Obviously, such offers are fraudulent and illegal, and the perpetrators of these will be subjected to criminal prosecution. Customers who avail themselves of these fraudulent offers may also be exposed to criminal prosecution and still be held liable for their outstanding and new accounts with the company. We call on our customers not to respond to such messages sent to them via Facebook and should instead report these to us.  Globe is already working closely with police authorities for the arrest of these fraudsters and to stop these fraudulent activities. -- Atty. V. Froilan Castelo, Globe General Counsel.
