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Globe seeks rationalization of permitting process for cell sites as data traffic rises dramatically

Globe Chief Information & Technology Officer Gil Genio emphasized at the recent DICT Summit, hosted by the Department of Information & Communications Technology, the need for more cell sites in the country taking into account dramatic rise in mobile data demand. He pointed out the company’s quarterly data traffic increased exponentially to 98 petabytes in the third quarter of the year from only 9 petabytes in the first quarter of 2013 amid growing customer propensity for multimedia content. To sufficiently meet growing customer demand for data, there is a need to rationalize permitting process for establishing new cell sites. The process, involving at least 25 permits, takes a minimum of 8 months to complete, Genio said.

The above photo shows Genio (center), flanked by National Telecommunications Commissioner Gamaliel Cordoba (right), and Cisco Systems Director for Engineering Service Provider Asia Pacific Region Japan Region Chia Tan (left).

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