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myBiz Budget Plan Subscription Terms & Conditions - Globe myBusiness

Terms and Conditions for myBiz Budget Plan Subscription

  • These Terms and Conditions specific to the myBiz Budget Plan/s supplement the provisions of the Subscription Agreement (“SA”). The myBiz Budget Plan/s has two (2) modes: [i] SIM only, [ii] With Device.
  • In the event of conflict or inconsistency between the provisions of the SA and these Terms and Conditions, the provisions of these Terms and Conditions shall prevail. All other terms and conditions of the SA not otherwise inconsistent with these Terms and Conditions shall remain binding and effective.
  • The following terms and condition apply to the myBiz Budget Plan/s:
    • Subscription to the myBiz Budget Plan/s includes text, calls and data allocation which will be automatically provided every month during the promo subscription date except for myBiz Budget Plan 399 which has no data allocation.
    • The texts, calls and data allocation provided under the myBiz Budget Plan subscriptions apply only when used in the Philippines. Any call, text or data usage outside the Philippines shall be subject to the applicable roaming charges.
    • Should the Customer need more than the allocated text, calls and data inclusions of the plan, the Customer can purchase regular load from prepaid reloading channels and use this to buy prepaid promos or use it for texts, calls or data, which will be charged at regular rates.
    • The Customer understands and agrees that it needs to settle hits myBiz Budget Plan/s bill on or before the payment due date. Failure to settle the bill by the due date shall result to suspension of the monthly Plan subscription. Once Plan subscription is suspended, Customer will not be able to use the service unless load top-up from other Globe Load channels will be made. Further, the Customer understands and agrees that she/he needs to settle his/her unpaid bill(s) in order to resume his/her Plan subscription.
    • In the event that the Customer fails to settle its balance after suspension, the account will be permanently terminated. Once the account is terminated, all outstanding balance becomes due and demandable.
    • If the Customer desires to re-enroll and/or reactivate its account to the myBiz Budget Plan/s subscription, the Customer must first settle its overdue balance before the reactivation of Plan subscription. For the reactivation of terminated accounts an additional Php550 reactivation fee per line will be collected.
    • Subscription to the myBiz Budget Plan/s shall have a holding period of twenty-four (24) months from line activation where Customer avails of a free or discounted Device together with the myBiz Budget Plan/s Subscription (“Holding Period”), . During the Holding Period, the Customer shall NOT TERMINATE, DOWNGRADE, ASSIGN OR TRANSFER any right or obligation of, its myBiz Budget Plan/s Subscription; otherwise, it shall pay a pre-termination fee based on the formula below plus Php550 administration fee per line terminated, downgraded, assigned or transferred.
    • A Customer who avails of a free Device together with itsr myBiz Budget Plan/s shall not be entitled to avail of any promotional activity of GLOBE that entails additional minimum subscription period (such as, but not limited to, Extension Line Promotions, Device Upgrade Programs) until extension of the myBiz Budget Plan/s Subscription Holding Period.
    • Customer acknowledges that the Device it receives in connection with its myBiz Budget Plan/s Subscription is locked to GLOBE’s network. The Customer shall not have such lock removed or disabled.
    • Customer acknowledges that it has reviewed and understood all the features of the mobile device purchased, especially when it involves using the mobile device to access the internet, including on how to end or terminate internet access if necessary.
    • The Customer is aware that there are charges for accessing the internet using its mobile device depending on the mobile internet service availed of or opted in on top of the subscription plan. In addition, a Customer who is in roaming service shall be responsible for accessing GLOBE’s website for information on applicable internet rates and roaming charges.
    • In the event that the line of a Customer who avails of a free Device with its myBiz Budget Plan/s Subscription gets suspended beyond 30 days, Globe shall have the right to terminate the relevant Customer’s myBiz Budget Plan/s Subscription. In such an event, Customer shall be deemed to have pre-terminated the subscription and Customer shall pay the same pre-termination fee stipulated in Clause G.
    • The Customer must provide a valid e-mail address where GLOBE will send the soft copy of the Customer’s monthly billing statement. It is the sole responsibility of the Customer to make available its declared e-mail address to ensure the successful delivery of its billing statement. The Customer shall receive notifications of its outstanding balance via text and/or e-mail, if the Customer has provided a valid e-mail address. The Customer may print a copy of its bill by accessing its myBill account through the GLOBE website ( Billing details may also be obtained through other billing inquiry channels of GLOBE. If the Customer wishes to have its paper bill delivered to its billing address, Customer will be charged a minimal fee of Php25.00 per paper bill request to cover for the printing and delivery costs. It is the sole responsibility of the Customer to immediately advise Globe for any updates on its e-mail address.