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Career & Money

Preparing for Your First Office Presentation? Here Are 5 Things You Need to Keep in Mind

Here are the most effective techniques for your best presentation yet

Creating an enticing office presentation is basically a rite of passage in every professional setting. It is necessary to communicate your ideas to a group of individuals. Here are proven ways to keep your audience engaged. 

Impress your peers with a one of a kind layout.

If you’re on the lookout for a software presentation that has more features than, let’s say, the run-of-the-mill Keynote or PowerPoint presentation, there are other notable tools to do the job—with even more A+ features. 

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Canva is a simplified graphic-design tool website with a seemingly endless library of themes, vector images, graphics and fonts to choose from. Use the drag-and-drop feature to easily create a professional presentation. You can even use to create your own business card, resumé and portfolio. It can be used for both web and print media design. Best of all, it’s free!

A pro-tip: Best to just stick to two fonts! 

RELATED: 6 Fun and Unconventional Résumé Templates for Your Next Job Search

Follow the 10-20-30 rule.

Guy Kawasaki of Apple has a standard rule for presentations, and this could be a template for yours. It should not have more than 10 slides, should not last for more than 20 minutes and should have a font size of not less than 30 points. Read more about it here

Tell a story. 

Stories and anecdotes help illustrate points and make presentations memorable. Use personal experiences—if necessary. You can also begin with an eye-opener—a surprising insight or a unique perspective—naturally leading to your message. Also, don’t forget to customize for your audience! 

Lose the bullet points.

Keep it simple. Don’t put your speaker notes up the screen and jam it with useless information. Simply highlight the most vital points; after all, a presentation exists simply to guide you. 


Practice always makes perfect. Know your slides inside out by rehearsing. Speak with confidence and at a steady pace. Be wary of your body language. Lastly, keep eye contact and engage with your audience. Good luck! 

RELATED: Here's How to Make the Most of Your LinkedIn Profile

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Words Elisa Aquino

Art Alex Lara

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