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The Best Horror Movies to Watch Right Now

Because horror they aren't just for halloween. Take it from someone who doesn’t watch horror movies

I love cinema. It’s great. Except for horror movies. When I was 14, I couldn’t sleep for a week after seeing the 1999 action film The Mummy. I have never touched a truly scary horror movie again after that experience. So here we are: years passed with so many great horror films that were unfortunately missed. Especially this year! I have no excuse: I’m a grown-ass man. Let’s get to it:

The Shallows

I know what you’re thinking: this isn’t even a horror movie! Relax, we’re starting slow. There won’t be any poltergeists, over-the-shoulder mirror shots, or sadistic people. It’s just good old popcorn movie trash starring a shark with an unrealistic appetite. This movie was actually quite thrilling. I was expecting ridiculous scenes that would leave me chuckling instead of biting my nails. Overall, the film just barely managed to stay realistic enough to make the scenes believable and tense. Also, seeing Blake Lively in a bikini for 90 minutes didn’t hurt.

Train To Busan

Moving on: Let’s do a zombie movie. Zombie movies are fine; the kind of nightmares they inspire are more gruesome than they are terrifying. I wouldn’t even call them horror movies, so this is a great way to warm up. While crossing the Korean countryside that is infected by a zombie outbreak, a small group of passengers can’t trust one another when it’s exactly what they need to do to survive. This film’s zombies are fast, a la World War Z, and placing them in a train was a great idea. Other films focus too much on the action...and while Train to Busan has plenty of it, they made sure to develop their characters to give that emotional heart that makes good zombie movies great.

The Conjuring 2

Now we’re stepping it up. It’s a sequel, which I know in the horror genre is not a good sign. However, I haven’t seen the first film, so it doesn’t really matter. The Warrens are back investigating paranormal activity in London, in a funhouse of horror owned by a single mother with four children. Although the story could stand on its own, character development was counting on the first movie to do the job. But the main question is: Was it scary?

This was exactly the kind of spine-tingling, leap-from-my-chair experience I have in mind when I think of horror movies. What’s important is that I survived! The movie gave me enough hope and reason to continue watching despite the agony. Looking back, although the movie scared my pants off, the heart-pumping thrill felt great.

The Wailing (Goksung)

Time to bring out the big guns: another Korean horror movie. A dim-witted cop has to frantically investigate the cause of his daughter’s affliction that has spread throughout his small town. As possessed townsfolk start murdering each other for no reason, the officer has to enlist the help of a shaman to deal with a mysterious stranger who seems to be the culprit.

This movie is long and heavy, but manages to keep you invested in it all throughout. Instead of slowly building the plot with increasingly tense developments, the movie hits you with climactic set-pieces throughout the story. The intense and visceral scenes, filled with grime, guts and gore, divert your attention from how ridiculously stupid the decisions the characters make.

So that ends my journey to get over horror movies. Maybe it’s just too late at night and I’m exhausted, but the scares didn’t get to me as much as I feared they would. I’m happy I gave horror movies another shot. I think with a bit more maturity, it’s easier to remind yourself that what you’re watching isn’t real. Or just embrace the inner sadist in you and enjoy the fear.

Words Rafael Mirafuente

Photo via Los Angeles Times

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