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The Game Of Thrones Season 7 Trailer Is Out & Cersei Is Queen

Jon Snow, Daenerys Targaryen and Cersei Lannister are going head-to-head

There are two seasons left of Game Of Thrones, which means that all loose ends will be tied soon enough and the ruler of Westeros will finally be named. As it stands, however, Jon Snow (Kit Harington) has been dubbed the King In The North, Daenerys Targaryen (Emilia Clarke) has seemingly taken her seat at Dragonstone and Cersei Lannister (Lena Headey) has controversially taken the Iron Throne.

HBO’s latest teaser for season 7 is simple but telling. These three power players walk down separate hallways and take their respective seats. Let’s discuss one by one.

Jon Snow

Where he is: Winterfell

What he wants: For the kingdoms to unite against the White Walkers

Winter has come and with it comes the White Walkers. At this point, all that Jon wants is support from the rest of the kingdoms to keep the threat away. He knows nothing about his royal bloodline and we don’t know if he wants to take the throne. Only time will tell when the truth of his parents are finally made public. 

Daenerys Targaryen

Where she is: On route to Westeros

What she wants: To take back the Iron Throne

Daenerys is on her way to Westeros and is hell bent on getting revenge for her family. She wants the Iron Throne, which she believes is hers for the taking. We can only imagine it will be a bloodbath, but is Jon’s lineage going to do anything to soften her wrath? Perhaps learning she is not the only Targaryen left on the earth will simmer her down.

Cersei Lannister

Where she is: King’s Landing

What she wants: To rule Westeros and remain on the Iron Throne

Cersei has clawed, lied and manipulated her way to the Iron Throne, and we know she isn’t going to give it up without a fight. She always knew she was going to be queen—the prophecy told her as much. But then again, she was also told that a younger and more beautiful individual would snatch it from her. Really, it could be Jon or Daenerys at this point.

Game Of Thrones season 7 will premiere in July 2017 and it cannot come any sooner. 

Adie Pieraz

grew up with numbers but fell in love with words by the time she reached her teenage years. She likes to surround herself with mellow music, delicious food and funny fail videos.

Alex Lara

is a creative that loves to tell stories through art direction and curating images that capture, inspire and excite whoever sees them.

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