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Lessons Every Girl Needs To Remember
For any and all ages – this one is for you, ladies
There comes a time in every girl’s life where she’s stuck between a rock and a hard place, also known as a crossroads. The first time that it happens and you’re forced to make a choice, it can feel a little overwhelming, but then it happens again and again and you just realize it’s just part of life. During those times, we need to hold on to some key learnings that never fail to live up.
1 Trust your instincts
There’s something about a woman’s intuition that seems to steer her in the right direction. As we get older, we tend to simmer this voice down because of outside pressure or society’s whispers, but never stop listening to it.
2 The only way to change is to take a risk
There’s a comfort in sticking to routine, but the only way to get any sort of adventure is to venture out of it. Take risks when you can and reap all of its rewards—but don’t get down when there are consequences as well.
3 Love freely, but understand that it isn’t enough
Love, in any and all its forms, should be embraced wholeheartedly, no matter how unexpected or illogical it may appear to be. At the same time, however, you need to be realistic. Loving someone with all your heart doesn’t always result in the happily ever after that we all dream off.
And this doesn’t mean just romantic love; it means loving yourself despite failures and adversities, too.
4 The world will change you—let it
When you were younger, chances are you had an idea of yourself for when you’d be the age you are in now. And chances are, you aren’t exactly where you thought you would be. You might have some vices you never dreamt would stick, you might not be as successful or as fit or as stereotypically beautiful as you wanted to be—and that’s okay.
Welcome the changes that the world forces upon you. They’re only proof that you’ve been out in the world and that you came through on the other side.
5 Crying helps
Ignoring your emotions will only hinder your growth. You need to break down sometimes because it honestly makes you feel a little reborn sometimes. Let it out and let it go, because crying is not weakness.
6 People don’t think about you as much as you think they do
Technology has made us a more self-conscious generation than any that came before us. This isn’t our fault exactly, but we need to keep in mind that people are not watching us as closely as we think they are. Dance like no one is watching and sing like no one is listening because no one really cares. And if they do, at least give them something to look at.
7 Everyone is flawed—forgive them for it
People will fail you, including yourself. Don’t hold it against anyone and don’t hold it against yourself.
8 Inspiration comes in all shapes and sizes
Don’t knock it until you’ve tried it. Inspiration and passion can come from anywhere, even from the places and people that you least expect it to. Don’t lock the door because of presumed biases, you never know what door will open your eyes.
9 Friendships get old
You’ve heard it before: Real friendships last a lifetime. But what not everyone tells you is that not all friendships are long-lasting. Change is inevitable and sometimes people just grow apart. You can always try to hold on, but you shouldn’t let it hinder you from spreading your wings.
10 There is always support out there; don’t be afraid to seek it out
Everyone feels lost and lonely sometimes—it’s a phase that no one can dodge. But what we sometimes fail to remember is that there are entire worlds out there that are willing and able to support us through anything. There are women out there that have gone through the same things, maybe even worse, that are willing to help us out and share words of encouragement.
It's A Girl Thing, which will be held on November 18 at the Globe Iconic Store, Bonifacio High Street Amphitheater. Listen to, meet and speak with international and local personalities that have hit it big despite adversity in everything from music and entertainment to beauty and lifestyle.
Want tickets? Buy a Globe at Home Prepaid WiFi at the Globe Gen 3 store in SM North Edsa or Mall Of Asia from November 11 to 17, and your VIP ticket to the biggest girl event is free.