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Cycling for Beginners: 5 Reasons You Should Try Cycling - go!
Sports & Fitness

Cycling for Beginners: 5 Reasons You Should Try Cycling

Because discovering the wonders of cycling is, for many, a quarantine highlight

Thanks to the ongoing rollout of vaccines and the observance of proper health protocols, the Philippines today is seeing fewer new COVID-19 cases. This has led to citizens gradually navigating their day-to-day almost like normal again. Still, it’s worth looking into some of the lifestyle changes that arose during the pandemic, and then seeing how they can be incorporated into your 2022. One of the noteworthy changes? People getting into cycling.

Whether you’re just trying to get around, want to break a sweat while enjoying the outdoors, or have discovered spin classes while trying out socially distanced sports or out-of-the-box fitness activities, there are tons of reasons to get on that bike and stay on that bike. Below are some of the notable ones about what cycling has to offer.

It’s good for your health

When it comes to health benefits, cycling has a long list of pros particularly engaging for beginners. This cardiovascular exercise helps improve heart health, manage hypertension and promote weight loss. Moreover, as it works the upper respiratory system, cycling also develops the immune system.

It helps strengthen your muscles

Cycling does not just burn fat, but it also builds muscle given its resistance element. As it relies on lower body strength for each paddle, it targets the calves, hamstrings, quads and glutes, getting them more exercise without straining the joints.

It helps improve your mental wellbeing

More than just the physical benefits, cycling can also boost your mood. This aerobic workout promotes the release of adrenalin and endorphins, the latter being hormones that lower your stress levels and ultimately make you feel good.

It improves balance and posture

As a person ages, it is natural to experience the gradual decline in overall coordination. With balance and posture playing a significant role in cycling, this activity can be an excellent practice to improve overall motor skills and core stability.

It’s good for the environment

Perhaps one of the most impactful benefits of cycling is its sustainability. Using a bicycle results in no environmental damage, reducing the carbon emission people release every day. So, whether you’re thinking about cycling for leisure or making it your primary mode of transport moving forward, both the environment and your body will thank you for it.

A Cycling Checklist for Beginners

Cycling for beginners can be both exciting and daunting. Before hitting the road, prepare the essentials and check out these tips to make sure you get a smooth cycling experience. 

Shop a bike that fits your lifestyle

Finding the right bicycle is essential to ensuring that no injuries occur. There are different types of bikes available in the market, such as commuter, folding and mountain, to name a few. Take the time to shop for one that will best fit your needs without breaking the bank.

Get your gears ready

Having the appropriate gear is another must before cycling. Things like a helmet, elbow pads and knee pads are necessary to protect yourself when on the road. Don’t forget to bring a water bottle and secure your important belongings in a body bag before the ride, too.

Know the traffic rules

Knowing the general traffic rules in your vicinity is another to-do on the cycling assignment. Familiarizing yourself with regulations keeps you protected as you plan the roads you can and cannot take. This is for everyone’s safety since accidents can happen. 

Find a cycling buddy

Cycling can be a fun solo exercise, but finding someone to join you for a ride can make it all the more memorable. Having a plus-one can help you set your pace and motivate you to keep going. Plus, if any emergencies arise, a cycle buddy is sure to have your back.

Follow a training plan

Sticking to a training plan for cycling allows you to plan your workout days accordingly. So, whether it’s a six-week program or a month-long schedule, outdoors or just indoors using a machine like a Saddle Row bike, remember that a cycling training plan for beginners should always include a thorough warmup and cooldown session.

Want to stay connected while out on a ride? GoSAKTO and other Globe Prepaid data promos are available for you so you can stay connected anytime, anywhere. Upgrade your workout accessories, too, when you shop products like smartwatches, earphones, and headphones at the Globe Online Shop.

Art Matthew Fetalver

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