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Time to Innovate and Redefine Fitness: Do It With Globe Postpaid - go!
Sports & Fitness

Time to Innovate and Redefine Your Fitness Regimen: Do It With Globe Postpaid

Work on your fitness goals from home with Globe Postpaid’s ThePLAN and Saddle Row

In the time of coronavirus, exercise and physical activity are crucial both for overall well-being and for boosting the immune system. But, no doubt, these make a pretty tall order considering what we’re up against. And eight months in, the rule still applies: better safe indoors than sorry.

That said, fitness goals are just some of the things that have had to take a backseat during quarantine. But this is not to say the studio can’t come to you—something that indoor cycling studio Saddle Row and Globe Postpaid are now teaming up for.

A Perk with ThePLAN 1799

There’s no better time to avail, renew or upgrade your Postpaid plan; now, you can do this and kick start that pursuit of your fitness goals at the same time.

A first for any player in the telco industry, Globe Postpaid is going beyond mobile and wearable tech to offer fitness innovations with ThePLAN. This month, you can score the Saddle Row Ride Kit with ThePLAN 1799. This bundle lets you secure your own indoor cycling bike along with 30-day unlimited Ride, Row, and Realign class vouchers with Saddle Row. To complete your indoor cycling experience, you’ll get workout accessories and the Saddle Row swag bag, too. Click here to find out more about the bundle and be #SaddleStrongAnywhere.

An At-Home Fitness Regimen Redefined

On top of the new Globe Postpaid plan and the Saddle Row Gen 1 Bike, subscribers will also receive the Saddle Row realign mat, PVC speed jump ropes, and a set of resistance bands. Getting this fitness package means you can get decked out in exclusive Saddle Row merch, too.

Give your lifestyle a spin with ThePLAN and Saddle Row. Tap here to subscribe to ThePLAN 1799 and get the Saddle Row bike package featured in this post. This all culminates with a fun virtual spin party, too! Tap here to sign up.

Art Matthew Fetalver

Vibe check! How does this make you feel?

