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The Workout That Works Kayla Itsines’ Bikini Body Guide | go! | Globe
Sports & Fitness

The Workout That Works Kayla Itsines’ Bikini Body Guide

Don’t believe us? Just look at the amazing body transformations below



So you want to be healthier, fitter and more confident? Us, too! It’s good to know that there’s a workout out there designed for women by a woman that shares the get strong, not just slim philosophy.


Enter Kayla Itsines’ Bikini Body Guide or BBG. It’s a 12-week program made up of 28-minute workouts that aims to increase your fitness game and strength, resulting in a much more confident you #bodypositive


The best part? BBG is designed to take you from beginner level to advanced, and can be done at home or the gym. What makes it stand out? Countless women from different parts of the world sharing their own amazing transformations on @kayla_itsines.


Excited to try it? Us, too!!! Here, we break down the program for you.



What is BBG and how does it work?

Changing lives since 2012, the guide includes a fitness and nutrition plan that spans 3 months. Meanwhile, the 28-minute workouts are broken down into arms and abs, legs and full body, so the focus is on a different muscle group every day. The combination of weight training and cardio plus meal plan makes the program super effective. We also love that BBG doesn’t eliminate foods and instead encourages healthier choices through recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner, desserts and even snacks.


What makes it even more amazing?

BBG, through the simplicity of its workouts and its ability to be modified, is a woman’s introduction to fitness. It’s for the woman who wants to give her battles a good fight; she could be fighting obesity or overcoming an eating disorder, building strength or getting a bikini body. And throughout your journey, there’s a group of women, a sisterhood through the BBG community, to encourage you to train harder, run faster and just be the best version of yourself you can be. 




Interested? Download the BBG PDFs or get the app, Sweat: Kayla Itsines' Bikini Body Fitness Workouts for iOS or Android .

Sarah Santiago

is a former print and online fashion magazine editor and is currently, the editor for go! Magazine. She loves cats, is almost always in black and is a big fan of Kanye West.

Alex Lara

is a creative that loves to tell stories through art direction and curating images that capture, inspire and excite whoever sees them.

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