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5 Habit Tracker Apps to Try This Year | go! | Globe

From Health to Productivity, Here Are 5 Habit Tracker Apps to Try This Year

Sticking to healthier routines and taking up better habits just got easier

New Year’s resolutions, fresh bucket list items, 2020 goal setting or a general intention to make smarter decisions—they’re different names with the same premise: new year, better you. With life having a way of, well, getting in the way, countless factors can make progress on this front extra challenging. Luckily, there are easily accessible mobile apps to carry you through and ensure you create long-lasting routines (because consistency is key!) to reach those long-term goals. These could be wellness-related, diet-related or could even touch on kicking bad habits as you acquire healthier ones. Now to start you off, our top picks for habit trackers that you can try out yourself this year:

My Water

Available on the App Store for iOS and Google Play for Android

If you swear that 2020 is the year you do yourself a favor and fulfill a seemingly basic rule of nourishment, drink your water. My Water is your go-to for staying on top of staying hydrated. On the app, you get to set your own goals for water intake (and choose to overshoot the recommended eight glasses of water a day if you’d like) and see how much of what you’re drinking. Have you been glugging more coffee than water? Have you been a little too indulgent with those sodas? Has your one-beer-a-day routine made you dehydrated? My Water lets you log all your beverage consumption so you can have a view of just what you’ve been putting in your body. The point is: water should always take up the biggest slice of the pie.


Available on the App Store for iOS and Google Play for Android

The Zero app is all about “fasting made simple.” For anyone who’s had trouble with intermittent fasting in terms of staying within the allowable windows for eating and adjusting your timelines as life, again, gets in the way, this ought to make your fasting journey easier. This is where you can log your fasts, track your hours and minutes, and count down your current fasting period or window for meals so you know just how much time you have left or how far you have to go. The best part: you can set alarm reminders so you don’t miss your cutoffs. The second best part: Zero is free with no in-app purchases needed to unlock full features.

Simple Habit

Available on the App Store for Apple and Google Play for Android

Meditation for people on the go is made possible by Simple Habit, which tailor-fits meditation into your current hustle. Do you realistically only have five minutes to spare? Maybe five minutes are enough! Designed for people on the go, Simple Habit starts off by asking you about your end-goal for taking up meditation (is it to reduce stress, increase happiness?) and sets you up nicely with personalized suggested meditation sessions but not before it gets you started with a five-minute simple habit starter to get you acquainted with the process.

The first seven days of Simple Habit are free. Pay P4,790 a year or P399.16 a month to use the app after the trial period.

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Available on the App Store for Apple and Google Play for Android

With a ready list of habits that are backed by science, Fabulous gives you a great jumping off point for creating healthy routines. Right off the bat, it enumerates suggested habits for better sleep, feeling more energized, improving concentration and weight loss. Your next step, should you wish to acquire these habits, is to accomplish the tasks but take things on one day at a time. Doable. Non-intimidating. Realistic. Designed to help you develop lasting habits, the award-winning app also takes a holistic approach to better living, using Behavioral Economics to “identify where you’re stuck so you can follow a step-by-step program to unlock your full potential.”

The first seven days on Fabulous are free. Pay P2,590 a year after the trial to unlock all features.

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Available on the App Store for Apple

Building good habits is not without keeping yourself on track. Building on that idea, Tally makes sure you don’t miss the smaller steps that get you to your bigger goal. The best of customizable habit tracking, the app lets you create your own list of targets, dictate which days of the week to track and so much more, ultimately tallying daily, weekly, monthly or yearly goals on a single page. This app can also help you break bad habits by showing you how often and when you last did that bad habit. 

The free version of Tally allows you to create three trackers. To set up more, you will need to upgrade to Tally Premium for a one-time payment of P349.

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Words Nicole Blanco Ramos

Art Alex Lara

Vibe check! How does this make you feel?

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