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Free Plan Upgrade for Select Globe At Home Customers
Why are you upgrading my plan?
We're giving selected Globe At Home customers a free upgrade for a better digital entertainment experience for them and their loved ones.
Who can avail of this upgrade?
This plan upgrade is only available to select Globe At Home customers who were notified by text and/or email.
How will I know If I am eligible for the free upgrade?
Eligible customers will receive a text and email from us advising you of the free upgrade!
I'm an eligible customer. How do I avail of this upgrade?
No need to worry as this plan upgrade has already been applied to your account.
How will I know the details of the upgrade?
You will receive an email and/or text that will show you the details of your upgrade. Your latest bill statement will also reflect the new plan information.
What will change in my current plan?
Your new upgraded Globe At Home plan may include faster speed, a lower monthly fee or higher internet data allocation. Your new plan details may be found in the text or email sent to you, or through your latest statement of account.
Will my account details or landline number change after the upgrade?
You'll retain the same account details such as your landline number, account number and bill cut-off date. Any remaining lock-up period and device amortization at the time of your upgrade will be carried over to your new plan.
Do I need to pay anything for the upgrade?
The upgrade is absolutely free!
Are there any changes that I should expect in my next bill?
Only the change in plan name and details may be expected changed on your latest bill to reflect your new plan.
I have another Globe at Home line under my name. Can I avail of this offer for my other account?
The offer only applies to pre-selected Globe at Home plans.
Until when is the effectivity of the change in my plan? Am I being upgraded only for a limited period of time?
Your plan upgrade is permanent. You may request for an upgrade to a better plan anytime, subject to credit and service ability check. Please check if you received the same plan upgrade notifications for your other account as well.