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ThePLATINUM Plans Consumables
Why is the consumable amount better with ThePLATINUM Plans?
Along with unlimited calls and text to Globe and TM, unlimited texts to all networks, unlimited calls to local landline and DUO numbers, and built in local internet services, ThePLATINUM Plan includes flexible consumable amount:
- P1,500 consumable amount at Plan 3799
- P2,250 consumable amount at Plan 4999
- P4,250 consumable amount at Plan 7999
While ThePLATINUM PLAN with device has:
- P1,500 consumable amount at Plan 4999
- P3,000 consumable amount at Plan 7999
What can I do with my consumable amount?
For ThePLATINUM Plan and ThePLATINUM Plan PLUS, you may use your consumable allowance for the following:
- Subscribe to Spotify Premium, Netflix, Disney Life, Amazon Prime Video, Fox+* and more
- Subscribe to GoCall IDD for P199 per month
- Pay-per-use on NDD, IDD, and international texts
- Pay-per-use on regular roaming calls and texts
- Direct Carrier Billing or the purchase of apps, movies, or books from Google Play Store charged to your bill
For ThePLATINUM Plan 4999 and 7999, you may choose to avail of a Dedicated Platinum Relationship Manager for P199 per month, deducted from your consumable.
Mobile data roaming, whether using Roam Surf 599, other Roam Surf variants, will be charged on top of your monthly recurring fee (MRF).
Does the consumable amount refresh every month?
What happens if I exceed my consumable amount?
Any charges exceeding the consumable amount will be billed on top of your monthly recurring fee (MRF).
Are all my local calls and texts charged to my consumable amount?
Local calls to Globe and TM, and texts to all network are part of the unlimited services that are already built in with ThePLATINUM Plans. Charges from any of these services will not be deducted from your monthly consumable amount.
Local calls to other networks will be charged to the consumable amount. Any charges exceeding the amount will be billed on top of your monthly recurring fee (MRF).
Are all my landline calls charged to my consumable amount?
Your local calls to landline and DUO numbers are part of the built-in unlimited services included in ThePLATINUM Plans. Charges from any of these services will not be deducted from your monthly consumable amount.
Will my mobile internet be charged to my consumable amount?
Can I subscribe to Spotify, HOOQ, Netflix, and other content using my consumable amount?
Sure, you can!
If I want to stop my Spotify, HOOQ, Netflix, or other content subscription, how soon will this take effect?
Content subscription is a recurring offer deducted from the consumable amount every billing cycle. When you stop these services, this will be reflected on the next billing cycle, along with the replenished consumable amount.
Are my roaming calls, texts, and mobile data charged to my consumable amount?
Pay-per-use on roaming calls and texts being charged with zonal rates may be deducted from your consumable allowance.
Are roaming promos such as Roam Saver, Easy Roam 149 and RoamSurf 599 charged to my consumable amount?
Roaming promos are not deductible from your consumable amount, and are instead charged on top of your monthly recurring fee (MRF).
If I’m already subscribed to other data roaming promos, will my built-in Roam Surf be consumed first?
Registered data roaming promos will be consumed first before your built-in data roaming.
Your data roaming will be consumed in this order:
- Roam Surf Longer Stay promos (if any)
- Built-in Roam Surf (ex.: 2-day data roaming)
- Easy Roam
- Roam Surf 599
Note that you won’t be able to register to Roam Surf Longer Stay promos simultaneously with Roam Surf App or bulk data promos. If you’re subscribed to the latter, you’ll consume your promos in this order:
- Roam Surf Apps or bulk data promos
- Built-in Roam Surf (ex.: 2-day data roaming)
- Easy Roam
- Roam Surf 599
Are international calls (IDD) and texts charged to my consumable amount?
If you’re not enrolled in any international promo then yes, pay-per-use is deducted from your consumable amount.