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Globe Rewards JOIN Program FAQ - Globe

Globe Rewards JOIN Program

What's the Globe Rewards JOIN Program about?

On Dec. 14, 2020 - Jan. 6, 2021, all Globe and TM consumer accounts, can receive exclusive discounts, special offers, promotions, and surveys from Globe partners by texting JOIN to 4438. Upon joining you’ll receive free promotional alerts from Globe and its partners. 

What happens when I send JOIN?

You’ll receive a reply that you're now part of this program. This serves as your consent to receive free text alerts on any communication, advertisement or promotional materials which includes exclusive discounts, special offers, promotions, and surveys from Globe partners.

After texting JOIN, when do I receive my Globe Rewards points?

You'll receive Globe Rewards points on the following dates.


December 14 to 16, 2020December 18, 2020
December 17 to 21, 2020December 23, 2020
December 22, 2020 to January 3, 2021January 6, 2021
January 4 to 6, 2021January 8, 2021

Can I receive the Globe Rewards points multiple times?

Globe Rewards points will be given one-time only. Even if you send multiple JOIN keywords in a day, your first JOIN request will be considered and not the other requests.

Who are these partners?

Our partners are companies, retailers, market research agencies, advertisers, etc. For surveys, you may be receiving text notifications from GSurveyPH, a part of our official Globe product and 3rd party client.

What types of messages will I receive?

Text alerts include any communication, advertisement or promotional materials such as exclusive discounts, special offers, promotions, and surveys from Globe partners, all for free.

Can anybody join?

Yes! Just make sure you text JOIN to 4438.

Can I unsubscribe?

You may text END to 4438.

Is it safe to JOIN? What do I do if I want to know more about Globe’s Privacy Policy?

Yes. You can refer to the following references covering Globe’s Privacy Policy:

Globe Privacy Policy: Terms & Conditions - Globe

Prepaid: Terms & Conditions - Touch


Who can I contact if I have more questions about this program?

To know more about the program, you may visit or message Globe’s official Facebook page at
