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Globe X MemoXpress Application Form

Thank you for your interest in availing Globe’s GPlan PLUS in MemoXpress. Please fill in your contact details below, and we’ll notify you via email once your application is successful.


Preferred Plan *

Plan Type *

Preferred SIM Type *

Photo of SIM Card Serial Number *

The file must be in .JPG, .PNG, or .PDF format and 1 MB max only.

Store Availed *



Please provide your date of birth in this format: mm/dd/yyyy

Civil Status *

Gender *

Please follow this format: House/Floor No., Street Name, Village/Subdivision, Barangay/Town, City/Municipality, Province, Region, Country, Zip Code

Proof of Identification Type *

Proof of Identification (Front) *

The file must be in .JPG, .PNG, or .PDF format and 1 MB max only.

Proof of Identification (Back) *

The file must be in .JPG, .PNG, or .PDF format and 1 MB max only.


Please follow this format: House/Floor No., Street Name, Village/Subdivision, Barangay/Town, City/Municipality, Province, Region, Country, Zip Code


  1. Your application request is still subject to verification and approval.
  2. All order details upon submission will be considered FINAL, and will be the basis of the verification and approval.
  3. Once the application is approved, an SMS notification will be sent to the activated mobile device.

I have read and confirmed that all details provided are correct and will be used as basis in the processing of my application request. Submitting a new form will mean that the contents of this version is null and void.

I would like to receive personalized communications, product and service offers, and updates about future promotions and events from Globe and its subsidiaries, affiliates, and partners.

If you change your mind about any of the permissions you’ve given to Globe above, you may get in touch with us by texting STOP to 21586863 for Globe/TM or STOPVC to 225656863.

By clicking the "I agree" checkbox below, I consent to the collection and use of the data that I have provided to Globe through this application form for Globe Mobile Postpaid Application. I understand that the collection and use of this data, which may include personal information and sensitive personal information and sensitive personal information, shall be in accordance with the Data Privacy Act of 2012 and the Privacy Policy of Globe.

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