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Meet the Team Leading Globe
The Board of Directors or “Board” is our highest governance body. It establishes our company’s vision, mission, values, and strategic direction. It also monitors the implementation of the corporate strategy and the overall corporate performance to ensure transparency, accountability, integrity, and fairness, and to protect the long-term interests of our stakeholders. Through its various committees, it oversees and conducts a review of our overall risk management systems, and our material controls, covering operational, financial, and compliance areas. Finally, the Board approves corporate operation and capital budgets, major acquisitions and disposal of assets, major investments, and changes in authority and approval limits. Our mission, vision, and values are reviewed regularly together with our business strategies to stay relevant to the growing needs of our stakeholders.
The thrust for a business culture that is proactive in corporate governance emanates from the top.
The Board, as part of its functions and responsibilities, leads, develops, and reviews Globe strategic direction and business strategies regularly. The committees created to support Board functions serve as venues to discuss business strategies and Globe strategic direction, among other business matters, in relation to the specific responsibilities of each committee. The Board, in its decision-making function, is also encouraged to decide with integrity, accountability, and on behalf of the good interest of the organization and all its stakeholders. The management is entrusted with the implementation and close monitoring of Board-approved business strategies, and is likewise tasked to conduct Globe business with the highest corporate governance (CG) standards. Advisors to the Globe Board are appointed to ensure the Board's access to experienced professionals who can provide outside perspective or technical knowledge and to enhance the Board's diversity of opinion and experience.
Board Composition
Eleven board members are elected and hold office for the ensuing year until the next Annual Stockholders’ Meeting (ASM). The President and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) is elected as the sole executive director while the other members are non-executive directors (NED) and are not involved in the day-to-day management of business. Among the board members are three independent NED, one of whom is the lead independent director (ID).
The Chairman of our ARPT Committee is an ID, who is not simultaneously the chair of our Board or any other committee. All IDs, as defined in our Manual of Corporate Governance (MCG), are independent of the Company, from Management and major/substantial shareholders, and are free from any business or relationship that could materially interfere in their exercise of independent judgment in carrying out their responsibilities as directors.
As part of our CG best practices and in the implementation of our Board Diversity Policy in the workplace, we have at least one female ID on the Board. Our Board is composed of directors with a wide age range. None of our ID serves in more than five boards of publicly listed companies and has served the company in the same capacity for more than nine years. Our executive director does not serve any other publicly-listed company’s board. Our board members have different expertise, corporate qualifications, and academic backgrounds. We have a very diverse mix of directors with professional backgrounds and experience in various industries other than the telco industry such as corporate law, accounting and audit, sales and marketing, network operations, IT solutions, customer and services management, corporate governance and strategic planning, as well as educational backgrounds that include biochemistry, business administration, marketing and finance, metallurgical engineering, and mathematical sciences, among others. Our board members also come from different ethnic backgrounds and are a mix of different nationalities.