Looking for the latest phones to get or gift this holiday season?
One Promo for Up to Five Roamers
No need for a pocket WiFi and to be near your travel buddies to share connectivity.
Save Through Shareable Costs
Share one data roaming promo for up to five members. Roam for as low as PHP50 per person per day.
Enjoy Your Own Itinerary
No need to be in close proximity with each other to enjoy shareable connectivity. Explore freely and enjoy seamless data connection in over 100+ destinations.
Easily Manage Your Group
Conveniently add or remove members, set data limits, and monitor your usage via GlobeOne.
Roam Surf4All Data Roaming Promos
Activation & Registration
Member Management
Step 1
To start, open GlobeOne and click on "Group Data" on your dashboard to start. The group data owner can add up to four other Globe/TM customers in the group.

Step 2
You can add members by:
- • Clicking the phonebook icon so you can choose from your device’s contact list, or
- • Manually typing in the mobile number of the member.
Once done, Simply click “Add Member” in the group data dashboard.

Step 3
Once successfully added on to the group, both the members and group owner will be notified.
Usage Tracking
Step 1
The Owner can conveniently track the overall group data usage, and each member's usage, while members can view their own usage only via GlobeOne.
Note: The Owner and member/s don’t need to be within close proximity to each other to enjoy shared connectivity.
Step 2
If the Owner opts out from the group data promo, remaining data GBs from the group promo will be forfeited, and members will no longer have data roaming connectivity. The group data promo is exhausted or is expired:
a. If Owner/Member is a Postpaid customer, and his data roaming and mobile data are on, Roam Surf 399 will automatically activate
b. If Owner/Member is a Prepaid customer, without an active data roaming promo, he will not be able to do online browsing
How can I register to Roam Surf4All?
You can register to Roam Surf4All on the GlobeOne app. Just click Buy Promos > View All Promos, and choose your preferred Roam Surf4All promo. Click subscribe and select your preferred payment method to confirm. Once subscription is successful, you can start adding members to the group.
Only the mobile number who subscribed to the promo can add or remove members.
How can I add or remove a member in my group?
You can add a maximum of four other Globe Postpaid, Prepaid, or TM numbers in your group. To add a member on GlobeOne, click the usage tracker on your GlobeOne dashboard. Under your plan usage, select Group Data. Click Add Member and enter the mobile number of the member you wish to add.
Please note that you can’t add a member who’s already a member of another group.
To remove a member in your group, click the usage tracker on your dashboard. Under your plan usage, select Group Data. You will see a list of all the current members in your group. Click the mobile number of the member you wish to remove, and click Remove to confirm.
I’m a member of a Roam Surf4All group. Can I remove myself from the group?
Yes, members can leave the group. To leave, click the usage tracker on your GlobeOne dashboard. Under your plan usage, select Group Data. Click Leave Group to confirm.
Once you have left the group, you will no longer be able to access the group’s data and any unused data that was allocated to your number will be returned to the owner of the group.
Should all members be near each other to be able to use the data?
No, there is no limitation on the location of members.