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List of Open Globe Stores

Here’s the updated list of Globe Stores as of February 1, 2025.

Available Transactions for Globe Stores

Our Globe Stores will be ready to assist you with the following transactions.

***requires additional requirements to prepare and bring before going to the Globe Store

List of Requirements for Select Transactions

Change of Ownership

  1. If the Transferor (Account Owner) is living:
    1. Transfer of Ownership Form
      • Signed by BOTH the Transferor and Transferee

        *Note that the form must indicate if the account balance (if any) will be settled by or carried over to the Transferee.

        Download the Transfer of Ownership Form.



    1. One (1) valid Proof of Identification
    2. Proof of Payment (if applicable)

    Transferee WITH an existing Globe account:

    1. One (1) valid Proof of Identification
    2. Duly Accomplished and Signed Application Form

    Transferee WITHOUT an existing Globe account:

    1. One (1) valid Proof of Identification
    2. Proof of Financial capacity (if applicable)
    3. Proof of Billing Address
  2. If the Transferor (Account Owner) is deceased:
    1. Death Certificate of the deceased Account Owner

    Transferee WITH an existing Globe account:

    1. One (1) valid Proof of Identification
    2. Customer Update Form

    Transferee WITHOUT an existing Globe account:

    1. One (1) valid Proof of Identification
    2. Proof of Financial capacity (if applicable)
    3. Proof of Billing Address
  3. If the Transferor (Account Owner) is missing:
    1. Any of the following:
      • Deed of Sale
      • Proof of Donation
      • Affidavit of Ownership

    Transferee WITH an existing Globe account:

    1. One (1) valid Proof of Identification
    2. Customer Update Form

    Transferee WITH an existing Globe account:

    1. One (1) valid Proof of Identification
    2. Proof of Financial capacity (if applicable)
    3. Proof of Billing Address

Plan Renewal

If by the Account Owner:

  1. One (1) valid Proof of Identification

If via an Authorized Representative:

  1. Stand-Alone Plan Renewal form signed by the Account Owner

    Download the Stand-Alone Plan Renewal Form.

  2. One (1) valid Proof of Identification of the Account Owner
  3. One (1) valid Proof of Identification of the Authorized Representative

Postpaid Applications

  1. For Mobile Postpaid Application
    1. One (1) valid Proof of Identification
    2. Proof of Billing Address
    3. Proof of Financial Capacity or Proxy Proof of Financial Capacity
    4. Additional requirements for foreigners
  2. For Broadband Application

    Plan 1299 to 1899

    1. One (1) valid Proof of Identification
    2. Proof of Billing Address (REQUIRED if different from installation address)

    Plan 2499 and up

    1. One (1) valid Proof of Identification
    2. Proof of Billing Address (REQUIRED if different from installation address)
    3. Proof of Financial Capacity
    4. Additional requirements for foreigners

Handset/Device Return and Replacement

  1. One (1) valid Proof of Identification
  2. Proof of Purchase
  3. Device package with complete accessories

Change SIM

  1. For SIM Upgrade
    1. Actual/Physical SIM
  2. For Defective SIM
    1. Actual/Physical SIM
    2. One (1) valid ID
  3. For Lost SIM (with SIM bed or GCash card)
    1. SIM bed/GCash Card (if available)
    2. Notarized Affidavit of Loss (standard/customer provided) with the following details: Customer Name, Citizenship, Address, Customer Signature
    3. Two (2) valid IDs (at least one Gov't ID) presented during the Affidavit of Loss Notarization

Additional requirement for Postpaid Change SIM requests via an Authorized Representative:

  • One (1) valid ID of the Authorized Representative
  • Notarized Special Power of Attorney (SPA)