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Globe Rolls Out E-Skwela to Equip Educators with Powerful Tools for 21st Century Learning

More than a year into the pandemic, digital tools and platforms have evolved to respond to the rapidly changing needs of teachers and students, and are breathing new life into the virtual classroom experience.

To showcase innovative yet accessible tools and learning platforms designed to help schools navigate their digital journey, Globe has launched the second season of E-Skwela Webinars’, in partnership with key stakeholders and industry experts.

The webinar series, which has just concluded its 5th installment, is meant to enlighten the education industry on the wealth of benefits that digitalization brings to schools by ensuring continuity of quality education.

Among the different Globe solutions that were introduced to help improve the experience of online teaching and learning were:

  • M360 and SMS API are digital tools that help schools keep in touch with their staff, faculty, students and parents on a mass scale through bulk SMS. Schools may also opt to use a masked name instead of a number so that people know the messages are legitimately from the school. 
  • Amazon Web Services (AWS) helps schools to save on steep maintenance costs of on-premise equipment by migrating their data from physical servers to a cloud server. AWS also gives users the freedom to scale computing resources up or down as needed.
  • Brightspace is a Learning Management System by D2L that equips educators with a wide array of customizable easy-to-use tools, allowing them to design and deliver courses that give students a unique and exciting learning experience.
  • Google Workspace for Education is a set of Google tools and services that include Classroom, Meet, Docs, Forms, and Chat that are tailored for teachers and students to collaborate, streamline instruction, and keep learning safe. Google Workspace for Education offers multiple options to meet an organization’s needs.  

Empowering schools with digital solutions 

“We know that the pandemic has forced teachers and students to swiftly and abruptly shift from face-to-face classes to online learning.” said Mark Abalos, Globe's Segment Head for Education.  “To support schools in this transition, Globe is intent on equipping them with the right knowledge and technology tools to meet the demands of the new education system and to still thrive in this new setup. 

“We don’t want anyone to be left behind, so we are doing all we can to provide what they need for their digital transformation. We want to give schools, teachers, and students the quality education they deserve,” he concluded.

Abalos disclosed that Globe has lined up 10 learning webinars for the education sector focused on helping educators in the face of challenges brought on by the pandemic. 

As a staunch advocate of quality education for all Filipinos, Globe continues to forge partnerships with different stakeholders and organizations to help schools and academic institutions reinvent learning through technology. To know more about Globe’s offerings for education, visit

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