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Globe Encourages Customers to Use Digital Channels to Fight Cyberviolence

  In celebration of World Social Media Day

In celebration of World Social Media Day, Globe encouraged its customers to unleash the full power of online channels to do good and fight alarming negative digital interactions. The global commemoration recognizes the unifying power of social media to connect people.

Social media is a valuable communication tool that over 92 million Filipinos embrace.  However, its popularity has also resulted in high incidence of cyberviolence such as cyberbullying and online sexual abuse and exploitation of children (OSAEC).

Cyberviolence affects almost half of Filipino children aged 13-17, according to UNICEF.  Another survey by Stairway Foundation showed that 60-80% of Filipino youth between the age of 12 and 16 have been bullied on social media.

“As we observe World Social Media Day, we want to encourage the public to use various social media platforms to bring to fore discussions on cyberviolence. Together, let us raise awareness about these social issues to help minimize such incidents and protect our children,” said Yoly Crisanto, Chief Sustainability and Corporate Communications Officer at Globe.

Globe has been investing to make the digital space safe for Filipinos, especially children and the youth. Part of its effort is to educate the public on responsible online behavior through the #MakeITsafePH campaign.

Since young adults are very vulnerable to cyberviolence and online risks, Globe believes that it is critical to instill online safety discipline at an early age.

Online safety discipline and digital discernment are some of the lessons Globe’s Digital Thumbprint Program (DTP) teaches. DTP is not only geared towards the youth. It also enables parents and caregivers to guide children through safe online activities. Since its launch, DTP has already reached 1.9 million students from over 4,100 schools nationwide.

“Cyberbullying and OSAEC are among the issues that we are trying to address. Parents need to understand that these are serious concerns and have long-term effects on the victim’s mental health. Children should be guided by their parents to promote general online safety,” Crisanto added. 

Globe’s Internet safety programs are in line with its commitment to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, which emphasizes the importance of infrastructure and innovation in development and economic growth under SDG No. 9. 

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