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Globe’s Data Privacy Book for Children among Best Reads in 7th National Children’s Book Awards

Safe Space: A Kid’s Guide to Data Privacy

“Safe Space: A Kid’s Guide to Data Privacy,” a book developed and published by Globe and non-profit Center for Art, New Ventures & Sustainable Development (CANVAS), has won as one of the best reads at the 7th National Children’s Book Awards (NCBA), the country’s premier award for locally-published children and young adult books.

A board of experts from the Philippine Board on Books for Young People (PBBY), a non-profit organization committed to the development of children’s literature, selected the book as one of the winners after evaluating titles published in the last two years.

The activity book introduces the concept of personal data to children aged 6 to 12 and teaches them how to protect themselves online. It breaks down in child-friendly language the importance of keeping personal data secure, how such information may be compromised, what children and parents can do to avoid becoming a victim, and how to address similar concerns.

 data privacy children’s book

It was written by Gigo Alampay, an expert in ICT law and policy, and also the founder and Executive Director of CANVAS, a non-profit organization that works with the creative community to promote children's literacy,

“Globe has launched various initiatives to demonstrate its commitment to privacy and security awareness, not only among adults but also among children. It is important that children understand the concept of data privacy from a young age, so we decided to do it in a fun way to keep them engaged,” said Globe’s Chief Privacy Officer Irish Salandanan-Almeida.

"Using the internet is inevitable nowadays, even for children, and along with it comes potential exposure to harm and exploitation. CANVAS, along with our partners at Globe, have created a way for children to become more aware of data privacy at an early age. “Safe Space: A Kids Guide to Data Privacy” uses fun and light language and imagery to explain the complex concepts of data privacy and security to children," said Alampay.

Safe Space is available in print and digital formats, and may be downloaded for free at Globe eLibrary or

Globe earlier received the “Privacy Initiative of the Year Award” recognition at the Privacy Awareness Week (PAW) Awards 2021 hosted by the National Privacy Commission (NPC).

Read more about Globe’s data privacy and security initiatives.

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