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Philhealth FAQs
Is PhilHealth membership mandatory for employers?
Yes, all employers are required by law to ensure that their employees are registered to PhilHealth and encouraged to facilitate the registration of new employees without a PhilHealth account. This ensures that employees have social health insurance coverage.
How can my employee register with PhilHealth?
You can ask your employee to view the registration procedures here.
What does PhilHealth offer to my employees?
PhilHealth reduces members' expenses during confinement or availment of selected health services in accredited facilities.
What are my duties as an employer to PhilHealth?
As an employer, your responsibilities include:
- Registering your company with PhilHealth
- Registering your employees with PhilHealth
- Notifying PhilHealth of an employee’s separation
- Informing PhilHealth of any change in company data such as address, business name, or temporary/permanent cessation of business operations
- Remitting the premium contributions of employees, together with the employer’s counterpart premium
- Settling with PhilHealth any money owed on premium remittances
- Observing and complying with PhilHealth rules on contributions and remittances
- Submitting to PhilHealth the Employer’s Remittance Report (RF-1) on schedule
- Keeping employees updated on amendments in PhilHealth policies and increase in benefits
- Properly providing requirements to enable employees to avail of their benefits
- Seeking clarification on any unclear guideline or requirement in benefit availment
My employee doesn't know his PhilHealth number. What should he do?
You can ask your employee to send a text message to 0917-5129149 or email [email protected] with the following details:
- Last name
- First name
- Middle name
- Birthday
How do I enroll my employees in PhilHealth?
To enroll your employee in PhilHealth:
- Ask your employee to accomplish 2 copies of the Member Data Record for Employed Sector Form or M1a (for new registrants) or the Member Data Amendment Form or M2 (for those already registered with PhilHealth).
- If your employee is new to PhilHealth, get a clear copy of his birth or baptismal certificate, SSS ID or other valid ID.
- If your employee is declaring dependents, you also need to get a clear copy of his marriage certificate (for dependent spouse) or the birth certificate of his dependent children or parents (60 years old above).
- Submit the Report of Employee - Members (Er-2) Form together with the accomplished M1a or M2 forms to the nearest PhilHealth office.
- Wait for instructions on the release of the following PhilHealth Number Cards (PNCs), which indicate the PhilHealth Identification Number (PIN) of employees, and the Member Data Records (MDRs).
- Liaison agents shall inform the attending PhilHealth staff on the mode of release of the above mentioned documents (mail or pickup).
How do I amend my employer data in PhilHealth?
If you need to update information about your company, you need to submit the Employer Data Amendment Form (ER3) and the following applicable documents:
- For change of business name/legal personality: Certificate of filing of business name with DTI or Articles of Partnership or Incorporation
- For temporary suspension of operation
- If due to bankruptcy: Financial statement, income tax return or board resolution
- If due to separation of employees: Latest submitted prescribed PhilHealth form and separation paper of the last employee
- If due to fire or demolition: Certification from the City/Municipal Fire Department, and certification from the concerned city or municipality
- For termination/dissolution
- For single proprietorship: Approved application for business retirement by the City or Municipal Treasurer's Office, and death certificate in case of death of owner
- For partnership or corporation: SEC-approved Deed of Dissolution or Minutes of the Meeting certified by the corporate secretary
- For cooperative: CDA-issued Certificate/Order of Dissolution/Cancellation
- For mergers: SEC-certified Deed of Merger/Merger Agreement or Memorandum of Agreement filed with SEC
- For change of ownership: Deed of Sale/Transfer/Assignment
- For resumption of operation: Prescribed PhilHealth form reporting newly hired or re-hired employees
- For closure due to fortuitous events: Submit applicable documents as determined by PhilHealth
What are the requirements in reporting employee records to PhilHealth?
To add newly hired employees, submit the ER2 Form within 30 days from their first day.
To report separated employees, submit the RF-1 form within 30 days of their separation from the office.
How do I facilitate the benefit availment of my employees?
You can do this by preparing the necessary claim forms and other documents that your employees might be required to submit prior to discharge from the hospital.
Where can I download PhilHealth forms and documents?
You can download PhilHealth forms here.
Where can I find the implementing rules and regulations of PhilHealth?
You can read the PhilHealth rules and regulations here.
When should I pay the PhilHealth contribution of my employees?
The payment due date depends on the last digit of the PhilHealth Employer Number.
- 0 to 4: Every 11th to 15th day of the month following the period covered
- 5 to 9: Every 16th to 20th day of the month following the period covered
What are the steps in paying PhilHealth contributions?
To pay for PhilHealth contributions:
- Deduct the monthly premium corresponding to the employee’s share from the employee’s basic monthly salary.
- Remit the employee’s premium contribution, together with the employer’s share, to any of the accredited collecting agents nationwide on or before the due date.
- Prepare and submit the Remittance Report through the Electronic Premium Remittance System (EPRS), which you can access here. https://epoaf.philhealth.gov.ph/employer/
Where can I pay PhilHealth contributions?
You can check this page for the list of accredited collecting agents for PhilHealth contributions.
How do I determine how much my employees should be contributing to PhilHealth?
You can refer to this PhilHealth Premium Contribution Table to know how much your employees should be contributing to PhilHealth.
When should the Remittance Report be submitted?
You should submit the Remittance Report monthly, on or before the 15th day of the month after the period covered (ex. the Remittance Report for July should be submitted on or before August 15).
What are the penalties for late payment of PhilHealth contributions?
If you fail to remit contributions and submit the Remittance Report, you'd be liable for reimbursement of payment of a properly filed claim in case the concerned employee or his dependent avails of PhilHealth benefits.
What's the Electronic Premium Remittance System (EPRS)?
The EPRS is a web-based application designed to allow access to employee information through the employer's PhilHealth Employer Engagement Representatives (PEERS). Security features are put in place to ensure the confidentiality of information.
How can I have access to EPRS?
You can find the detailed instructions in the EPRS user manual.
How do I submit the Remittance Report if I don't have EPRS?
You can choose between the manual and electronic methods of reporting. If you have more than 50 employees, however, it's best that you go for the electronic method.
Manual method
- Prepare 2 copies of the RF-1 Form (Employer's Remittance Report).
- Go to the nearest PhilHealth office. Bring the forms and your proof of payment (the employer and PhilHealth copies of ME-5 or PAR, or the original plus 1 clear copy of the POR).
- Wait for the release of the receiving copy of all the documents you submitted.
Electronic method
- Before anything else, schedule an orientation on how to prepare the RF-1 Form with the nearest PhilHealth office. This orientation usually takes an hour.
- Prepare the RF-1 in Excel and Text (for the PhilHealth Premium Remittance System or PPRS) formats. Structure the RF-1 based on the payroll system.
- Go to the nearest PhilHealth office. Bring the soft copy and printout of the form, and your proof of payment (the employer and PhilHealth copies of ME-5 or PAR, or the original plus 1 clear copy of the POR).
- Wait for the release of the receiving copy of all the documents you submitted.