Want to enjoy exclusive offers from Globe?
What is SURF4ALL 249?
SURF4ALL is the market's first-ever data promo with high data allowance usable for all sites and can be shared among four (4) mobile numbers. This pioneer offer from Globe allows sharing of data with Globe Prepaid, Globe MyFi, TM, Postpaid, Platinum, and even Home Prepaid WiFi.
SURF4ALL 249 comes with 20GB (15GB base data allocation + limited-time 5GB bonus data) for 7 days, for only P249.
How do I register to SURF4ALL?
You can register to SURF4ALL via the GlobeOne app. Once you're successfully registered, you should be able to receive a text notification.
You may also register by dialing *143# and look for the SURF4ALL menu. For Postpaid, choose Surfing and then SURF4ALL.
As an alternative, you can register via text by sending SS 249 to 8080.
Does this mean that I can give a specific data allowance to other customers using the data limit setting of SURF4ALL?
Note that SURF4ALL is a shared pool of 20GB data that the owner (promo availers) and members can collectively use; it isn't giving exact GBs to members that they can use for themselves. An owner can set data limits to control or cap the use of each member from the 20GB data pool, but it doesn't mean that the data limit is a guaranteed allocation to a member. This way, it's possible for the 20GB to be all used up by the owner or a member with no data limit and also a heavy data user.
For example, the owner has 3 members. The owner assigned a 1GB data limit to the first member but didn't set a limit to the two other members. Both the owner and the members can use up the 20GB pool but the first member can only use a maximum of 1GB from the 20GB pool.
What is a SURF4ALL owner and member?
A SURF4ALL owner is the customer who registered and paid for the SURF4ALL promo. As the owner, he can enroll up to only 3 other members from Globe Prepaid, Globe Myfi, TM, Postpaid, Platinum, or Home Prepaid WiFi. He also has the authority to:
- Add up to three members who can share in the SURF4ALL data allocation and remove them
- Set a data limit for SURF4ALL members to use
- View and track the data usage of all SURF4ALL members
- Opt out from the SURF4ALL promo
Meanwhile, a SURF4ALL member is added by the owner so that he can share in the promo’s data allowance. He can do the following:
- View and track his own data usage
- Leave the SURF4ALL group
How do I check the data that’s still left on my SURF4ALL promos?
You can check this at your convenience via the GlobeOne app.
You can also dial *143#, go to SURF4ALL and select STATUS, or text DATA BAL and send to 8080. Note that only the group owner can view the remaining data allowance in the SURF4ALL promo.
Members can view the status and the validity of the SURF4ALL offer by going to the GlobeOne app, dialing *143# and go to SURF4ALL, or text DATA BAL and send 8080.
Can I change the data limits I've previously set for the members of my SURF4ALL group?
Yes, you can. As long as your promo is still valid and your remaining data allowance can accommodate the changes. Keep in mind that changing the previously set data limits does not mean resetting your members’ previous consumption back to zero.
As an example, member 1 has used up his assigned data limit of 3GB. If you change his data limit to 5GB, that means he can use 2GB more from the data pool.