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How to Read Your Globe Postpaid Bill

Feeling confused about your bill? Choose the current scenario that best describes you and check our quick guides to help you better understand your Globe Postpaid bill.

I’m a New Customer Who Has Just Received My First Bill

Ever wondered why your first bill is different from the plan you availed? Click the bill sample below to learn what charges you can expect in your first bill as a new Globe Postpaid customer.

Your upfront payment of one month’s fee upon application will be credited to your first bill. The bill sample will show your chosen monthly plan and its name, your monthly recurring fee (MRF), and charges which are pro-rated or partial since you’re not yet using your plan’s services for a full month. Pro-rated charges only apply during the first bill and when you change the plan you availed.

I Have Remaining Balance from My Previous Bill

If you’ve missed payment for any of your previous bills, this is shown as “Remaining Balance” on your current bill. You'll notice that there's a difference between the due date for your current month’s service charges and the due date for your remaining balance.

I Recently Renewed My Postpaid Plan

Thank you for being a loyal customer to Globe! After renewal, your account will be in transition and your bill will show these changes as it reflects partial charges from both your old and your new plan. Click the bill sample to learn what charges to expect in your bill as a renewing Globe Postpaid customer.

I Have Additional Charges on Top of My Monthly Plan

These are charges outside of your monthly plan such as promos and subscriptions for Netflix, Spotify and other in-app purchases. This will appear in the Value-Added Service section of your bill.

I Want to Know the Basic Details of a Globe Postpaid Bill

Here's a bill sample to help you know the basics details of your bill.
