Want to enjoy exclusive offers from Globe?
Globe 5G gives you console-quality mobile gaming through its ultrafast speeds and low latency.
Lag-Free Gameplay
Gamers know that latency is crucial to having an advantage over opponents. 5G is estimated to have up to 2x lower latency than 4G, reducing the time it takes to transmit data. Now that's one advantage you would not want to miss. For your next battle, make sure to use Globe 5G.
Reduced Waiting Times
Boot up games and download updates at lightning speeds. 5G comes with faster speeds that make updating games much easier. What took you 5 minutes to download an update before, may take just half the time with a 5G connection.
Start Gaming with Globe 5G

Globe 5G & Content Add-Ons
Globe 5G will supercharge your favorite mobile gaming apps, so you can play and win every game without lag. Subscribe to these offers today via the GlobeOne app.
Is 5G good for gaming?
Yes. Gamers rely on quick response times to be able to have an advantage over
their opponents. With 5G's low latency and ultrafast speeds, gamers can
experience snappy, effortless console-quality mobile gaming on the go.
Does 5G reduce ping?
The mobile gaming experience is largely affected by ping or latency, which is
the time it takes for data to travel from the user to the server and vice versa.
The lower the ping, the better your gaming experience. This is more relevant for
high-graphics games which demand precise timing and positioning. 5G is built to
have lower latency than 4G, enabling gamers to reduce ping and latency. This is
why 5G is the perfect mobile connection for the mobile gamer of today.