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Globe recognizes the importance of regular communication with our shareholders, investors, and all our stakeholders. Among other communication channels, Globe holds an annual stockholders' meeting (ASM) where shareholders are given the opportunity to raise questions and clarify issues relevant to the Company as well as on annual reports (highlights of the most recently concluded year's Company performance as reflected in the audited financial statements, and the outlook for the succeeding year) presented to them.
Notice of the ASM with agenda items and explanation thereof are released to stockholders at least 28 days before the date of the meeting. These documents are accompanied by the Definitive Information Statement, Proxy Form, and Requirements and Procedure for Voting in Absentia, and such other relevant information that form the ASM kit for our stockholders.
In accordance with our Manual of Corporate Governance, the results of the ASM, including all the votes (approving and dissenting) during the meetings and the results of the organizational meeting, are made publicly available through the Globe website within 1 day from the meeting date while the minutes of the ASM are available within 5 business days from the date of the meeting. The Board of Directors, President and CEO, members of management, and external auditors are present to address any questions raised at these meetings.
Electronic voting in absentia is available for Globe stockholders, pursuant to Sections 57 and 23 of the Securities and Exchange Commission's Revised Corporation Code. The requirements and procedure are provided to stockholders through the Company's submitted Definitive Information Statement.
In 2020, Globe further extended its reach to its stockholders by allowing attendance to the ASM by remote communication in compliance with applicable regulations on the enhanced community quarantine, prohibiting mass gatherings, identifying authorized persons outside residence, and/or requiring social distancing to prevent the spread of COVID-19 as well as the SEC's Memorandum Circular No. 6, Series of 2020 or the Guidelines on the Attendance and Participation of Directors, Trustees, Stockholders, Members, and Other Persons of Corporations in Regular and Special Meetings Through Teleconferencing, Video Conferencing and Other Remote or Electronic Means of Communication, and to ensure the safety and welfare of all stockholders.
Know more about Globe's 2023 Annual Stockholders' Meeting.