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A First-Time Employee’s Guide to TIN Application
Gearing up for your first job means making sure you secure your Tax Identification Number
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The workforce is an exciting world to jump into but can be a daunting one—especially for those navigating it for the first time.
This is a significant milestone to kick off #adulting and is something that requires preparation in more ways than one. Apart from extensive internal planning that usually comes in talks, career forums, research, and job interviews, there’s also a laundry list of requirements to settle before any new employee can officially be onboarded. This includes government applications such as the one designated for the Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN).
What is there to know? For starters, this is one of the most important numbers when it comes to remaining in the Philippine workforce. For everything about it, such as information on how can you obtain your TIN, scroll through and read on.
What Is a TIN and What Is It For?
The Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) is a one-of-a-kind, system-generated number consisting of 9 to 12 digits issued by the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) to a registered individual. Any Filipino citizen can apply for free.
Each TIN issued is final and does not expire. Since this is a permanent number, there is no need to request a new TIN down the line, regardless of whether you switch jobs, opt for self-employment, or become unemployed.
The TIN exists so that the BIR can accurately record a taxpayer’s filed tax return. It also allows easy access, monitoring, and handling of a taxpayer’s data and interactions with the national tax collecting agency.
A TIN ID or card, once the TIN is secured, can be used for identification purposes. Since it bears the holder’s full name, photo, signature, birthdate, and address, it serves as a valid ID for various transactions.
Photo: Metrobank
Looking into the format and structure, an individual’s TIN begins with a digit between 1 and 9, with the last three numbers set to 000. Meanwhile, corporate taxpayers have their branch code indicated in the final three digits. A TIN beginning with 000 reflects a corporation-applied TIN, while an online-registered taxpayer receives a TIN beginning with the 300 series.
TIN Application Requirements
Now that first-time employees know just how important the TIN is, here’s a breakdown of the application requirements. These are the items expected from new Filipino employees:
1. An accomplished BIR Form 1902
BIR Form 1902 is a requirement specifically for new employees about to earn their salary or make their income in the Philippines.
Plenty of employers handle the BIR registration for their employees. If this is your scenario, you only need to complete the form and forward the other requirements to complete your TIN application. Your employer should give you your permanent TIN once successfully registered.
2. A valid, government-issued ID
Any government-issued ID containing your name, birthdate, and address will suffice for identification verification. You may use your birth certificate, driver’s license, Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) license, Philippine passport, Unified Multi-Purpose (UMID) card, National ID, Social Security System (SSS) ID, and National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) clearance, among others.
3. A marriage certificate (if married)
If you are married, you must secure a copy of your marriage certificate in order to apply for a TIN.
In the case of foreign employees, they will have to secure additional requirements. Apart from the completed BIR Form 1902, they must also present their passports and a work permit or a photocopy of a duly received Application for Alien Employment (AEP), which can be acquired from the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE).
How to Get TIN
As mentioned, employers typically shoulder the TIN application of new taxpayers, who only need to relay all the required documents. While online applications are possible, it’s important to note that only employers are allowed to process them via the BIR eRegistration (eReg) portal. They may also do this through the Revenue District Office (RDO).
Photo: BIR eREG System
To process your own TIN application, visit the RDO or BIR office nearest you. Complete the required form and submit this along with the other requirements. Once you have presented everything, a TIN will be generated for you, which will allow you to obtain your official TIN ID. Once secured, it’s best to have your card laminated, too.
For new employees, remember that there is a deadline for your TIN registration. When you become employed, you must have your TIN within 10 days of being hired.
FAQs on TIN Application
How can I verify my TIN?
You can visit your nearest RDO or BIR office to verify your TIN. You may also do this online by emailing the agency or using the official TIN Verifier mobile app, available on both App Store for iOS and Google Play for Android.
How can I get a TIN ID?
Remember: a TIN is a prerequisite to obtaining a TIN ID. Just know that as a newbie taxpayer, you may apply for a TIN and TIN ID at the same time when you present the following requirements to your respective RDO:
Accomplished BIR Form 1902
Valid government-issued ID
Community Tax Certificate (CEDULA)
PSA Birth Certificate
1x1 picture
Marriage certificate, if applicable
How long does it take to get a TIN ID?
A TIN ID may be issued within the day of processing. If you submit the requirements after the office’s 1:00 PM cut-off, however, you must return the next working day to claim your card.
Where can I go for TIN-related questions or concerns?
You may call the BIR’s Customer Assistance Division at 8538-2000 or email [email protected]. You can also visit the nearest RDO or BIR office to speak directly with a BIR officer who can help with addressing your concerns.
What do I do if I lose my TIN ID?
To replace a lost TIN ID, go to your designated RDO. Once there, fill up the BIR Form 1905, and submit this along with a notarized affidavit of loss. A processing fee of ₱100 should be paid to any RDO-authorized bank. Return to the RDO branch with the receipt to complete the process.
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